I raised my grades!
Empowered! I started to ask questions in math class ...
I was sinking in math, slowly ...
I was a popular student in high school. My parents divorced and life became difficult. I turned to my friends and my iPhone for consolation and companionship.
My mom was worried about my marks, especially in math. I slowly began to wake up to a problem I had with math after Christmas exams. If I wanted to enter the science program in University that I was passionate about, then I'd need a respectable mark in math.
My mom found Ladybug Tutors and we began weekly sessions. Gail took me through past homework assignments and worked with me on my current ones. She prepared me for weekly quizzes and scheduled exams. I began to see math in a new way that I understood. I came out of my shell in class and began to participate.
I did well on my final exam. Ladybug Tutors wrote a letter of recommendation for me as I entered my University studies, and I've never looked back.
I passed!
Limitations to math removed! Yay!
I was afraid of math!
In high school, I took the lowest level of math that I could and dropped math as soon as possible after Grade 11. I coasted without math for many years in fine arts. Then I changed direction and pursued a degree in Communications at Simon Fraser University (SFU).
To enter the third year of my program at SFU, I needed a passing mark in the highest level of Grade 11 math. I decided to take the required refresher course during the summer to focus on this tough challenge. I was so upset after my first class, I returned home to tell my mom that "My life is over!". She said: "Call Gail!".
I only had a few weeks to refresh and study for the math exam that I needed to pass. I started out studying with Gail one hour a week, then steadily increased my study time as it became obvious to me that I needed to sharpen my skills to pass my exam.
Math confused me and I didn't know where to start. Gail saw my confusion and gave me tools to sort things out. She showed me a new way to approach math problems. I worked hard. Gail gave me confidence. I passed my exam.
Looking back, if I had teachers like Gail in elementary school to coach me to master the basics, I would never have had difficulty in math!