Canada recognizes the value of the 3 Rs in our future including Math!

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Today The Globe and Mail published and Opinion article titled Canada’s shortfall in basic skills costs us all. The authors connected education to economic prosperity.

the literacy skills of 42 per cent of working-aged Canadians do not meet the bare minimum required by most of the jobs being created in the economy


research shows that improving the old fashioned three Rs – reading, writing and arithmetic – will make people more employable, improve job performance and could potentially add billions of dollars to the Canadian economy every year.

Three cheers for this deep awareness, highlighting the importance of academic skills in the future of our children … and the future of our country.

Ladybug Tutors wouldn’t exist if literacy skills were in the 80-90% range. The gaps in literacy skills are created early in a child’s education, likely in elementary school. In high school, the speed and intensity of the curriculum often leave students behind, particularly in Math. Math is a subject that is based upon building blocks of theory and tools. It’s a discipline that trains the mind to solve problems. Missing a fundamental building block can result in missing many more down the road.

Let Ladybug Tutors identify these gaps and help your child recognize the type of question being asked and know which tools to use to solve the problem. We make sure each student’s unique needs are addressed! Contact us. We’d love to hear your story. Set up a free assessment. We’ll assess your child’s skills and report back. Our approach is to coach our students through their math homework so they are up-to-date in class while filling in gaps in learning.

A parting thought —

How many people do you know in your community that don’t know The Times Tables?